EPHS Athletics
Fall Clearance
First Day of Practice – 8/19/19
Where: Athletic Office Time: 1:00-3:00
8/12 Football
8/13 Soccer
8/14 Volleyball
8/15 Cross Country & Cheer
8/16 All Fall Sports
Please complete/sign the Athletic/Activity Code of Conduct. It can be picked up in the Athletic Office or printed out from the website:
www.eaglepnt.k12.or.us > Our Schools > Eagle Point High School > Athletics & Activities > Eligibility
You will ImPACT Baseline test on your clearance date. (Only new or transfer students who have not been ImPACT tested.)
Bring a copy of your current insurance card.
Bring a copy of your current or new physical. Physical forms can be picked up in the Athletic Office or printed out from:
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